Slow Burn Music Video

I guess I'm slightly restless and enjoy diversity ~so although I do enjoy doing makeup for photoshoots the most~ I am glad to take a break from the girls (brides/models) to work with my film boys once in a while. It's really interesting how most of the time on a film set most of the people working are men (with so many heavy equipments to carry etc, it's no wonder most gaffers, and grip people are men) I cannot imagine a petite framed girl carrying around those super heavy RED cameras...I mean sure, there are still small girls I see lugging around equipment on set and, I too, carry the occasional sandbag around to help them out during clean up~ but I generally come in contact with more guys on set than girls most of the time :)

This "doppleganger" music video has been an ongoing project for director Drew Sandoval :) and every time he calls me up to tell me that he's working on this project again I'm pretty happy as the crew is awesome to work with (super nice and relaxed boys) the song is great (I could listen to it all day long and STILL want to sing along with it hehe) and not to mention the craft service is OUT OF THIS WORLD (coz food is all that really matters right? LMAO)
*check out the brunch that was served on Sunday*

we had tomato cobble and grilled goods and fresh cherry tomato curry salad as well MMMMmm

soooOOOo delicious and all made from scratch by Melissa!

the first day she even brought us FATAPPLE Bakery's famous Cheesepuffs even our DP who doesn't really eat pastry or dairy had 2! (UNHEARD of!) HAHA

Anyhow, here are some behind the scenes photos I took this time while working with the boys~ we were out in the countryside at Fairfield ~ I saw walnuts in the tree and locusts for the first time! haha

We shot a few stunt scenes with Nick the first day ~ jumped onto the cushion mat and smeared his "make-up face" onto it hahaha! it was a perfect imprint of his face!!

I was in my puffy outfit the whole day coz we had a 7:30 call time and it was unusually chilly and foggy that day~~* but I kept it on even when it hit 80F hahaha everyone thought it was crazy hahaha

another stunt scene was done on Nick's broken trampoline haha the boys were jumping around and having fun but that thing was rather dangerous with quite a lot of the springs broken!

there goes Nick~~* FLYYYYYYying through the air~~

we had to do some green screen shots so Nick had to wear his the green screen outfit so all that would be left would be his "head" hahaha

it..was quite a funny look as the green screen outfit had been rather small hahaha
but he was the greenscreen hero nonetheless hehe :)

The early morning fog cleared up and it turned out to be a beautiful day in Fairfield :)

day 2 we hiked up to the hills where there were cow poo everywhere haha and locusts flew every step I made~ haha it was a pretty hot day and the boys stripped down if they could but poor Warren had to stay in his woolen suit the whole day while running up and down the hill too!

we also went to another location to do another jumping sequence hehe :)

we finally finished at about 8 pm~as the sun was about to set

Martini shot of the day and that's a WRAP!!!! me and Warren enjoying the golden glow from the beautiful sunset! <3 then we all got to enjoy some pizza and home made chicken salad with beetroot Mmmmm so good!

and since it was Director Drew's birthday that day ~ Melissa baked us some almond cake with marinated strawberries (OMG SO GOOD)

:) always stuffing myself on set aha
can't wait till another great day on set!


Ryan Chua Shoot No. 2

Model: Hanna. MUA: Christina Chen. Hair: Noelle Lynne. Stylist: Angel Phillips.
Photography Assistant: Mike Polce. Jewelry courtesy of the Jody Humes Collection

Ryan contacted me previously about working on a magazine shoot with him last weekend, I told him I had a wedding earlier that day and that if it were in the afternoon I could help him out.

anyways here are some of the photos from behind the scenes~*

The concept was edgy jewelry (supplied by Jody who's got amazing taste in jewelry and funnily enough she's a school teacher! ^_^) matched with vintage nightgowns that Angel had been collecting since highschool!! they're all authentic stuff! :D loved them~*

The model was super cute and fun to work with :) and Noelle did an awesome job with making her hair airy and softly waved!

As far as makeup goes, Angel wanted SUPER fresh faced minimalistic angelic makeup~* which I did by just making her skin flawless with Graphtobian's HD foundations and giving her a fresh rosey glow with the Makeupforever HD creme blushes :) She had quite a bit of breakout from her skin reacting to the change in Climate from moving to SF~ but after applying the foundation it looked perfect!!

I layered on some light pink lipstick with a Chanel lipgloss ~* and powdered her with the Cover F/X loose powder I just bought from Sephora! (it is rather shimmery so you have to watch the usage for photographs)

We shot 5 outfits I believe~* here are some pics I took during the shoot:
we started indoors at Angel's awesome studio ~ :)

ahh such bedroom eyes~

we kept playing with Angel's doggy Bandit! soo adorable!

went out side her window and took soe more shots~ hehe it was quite chilly in SF and the poor girl was wearing that thin nightgown haha but it was sexy though~! :)

*hah look at us in all our warm jackets*
she was a trooper and didn't even complain once!

the white one is beautiful~ her on the stairway angelic!

angel had some legit old old old school polaroids! and was using them to take some awesome shots herself!


she said coz its so old she doesnt know how long it takes to develop's all by chance hah whether u get the photo to develop or not haha

*a photo within a photo within a photo*

either way they were amazing~*

and I saw this little tearshaped deco on her table hehe so cute too!

:) until next time

Winnie's Bridal Trial

Yay~ :D booked another bride today~ We were going back and forth emailing for months already! (we FINALLY arranged a makeup trial date today~~*)

Anyhow, she's super adorable and cute~and most of all EASY GOING >

here's her before and after~*

she eyes are mono-lid eyes and the only thing she had requested was that I make her eyes a bit bigger~ :)

Since she's changing 3 outfits (one chinese dress and one ball gown at the evening banquet) I suggested we go more subtle with the makeup in the morning to match her GORGEOUS fishtail wedding gown) and we can smoke it up with some deeper colors in the evening banquet~*

She was really happy with the result~* I used two layers of false lashes and even bottom false lashes to really open her eyes up.

anyways had another shoot with Rummy and little 17 or 18 yr old Morgan~ heading off to start college~~ eya so young~~*

Rummy said he wanted two buns LMAO ~ hehe I tried my best to make it look more "fashiony" than ... toddler

sadly the wardrobe stylist flaked out so we couldnt do the fashion shoots we were planning but we did take some half body shots but ..I wasn't really feeling the weird combo -_-|| of clothing and H&M

Anyways, it's going to be a busy weekend with weddings both days and a shoot for MuseMag with Ryan Chua!!! Can't wait!!!


a sneak peek of

what I did with photographer Ryan Chua and Brazilian Beauty(Look (SF)Next(LA)Elite (Miami)) Paula Newlands yesterday in SF and then later on I rushed down to the South bay area to hold another shoot with mr. Rummy M and Chinese beauty (Ford model) Ying Fu~~ We did two looks in each shoot, as Ryan had another shoot in the morning so we only had a few short hours before I had to drive back to the south bay to my second shoot. Sadly it was super rushed (esp since the hairstylist had thought it was a night shoot X_X so we had to scramble and quickly curl her hair as well) and I wasn't really sure exactly what was expected of me so I just did one natural-esque commercial style shoot (but the stylist had provided all "BEBE" clothings for the shoot that day so I felt like anything TOO "commercial" (natural) wasn't going to fit it the clothes very well.

Here are some BTS photos I took of the boys (Ryan and his friends Mike and Phillip) snapping away~

and two pics of Paula posing in her crazy arched boots on a steep slope X_X on a cold windy day in SF at Golden Gate Park : the boys even had to help her down coz it was so steep...

~~ *(she even walked into two huge spider webs as she was posing X_X ) I salute to the models

I tried editing them a bit so they look a bit better than something that just rolled out of my little camera

oh yah she brought her doggy Lexi as well! such a cute little poochie

was rushing back so forgot to take a pic of the 2nd look~ Oh well~

haha and then here are the two looks we did for Ying ~ (one simple beauty with a twist or should I say "braid" of fashion) Her agency wants her to build her beauty/fashion book now (previously they had only categorized her as a commercial model due to her sweet smile and friendly look)

so this was the first look we did for her :(i edited it to make the darkground darker so it doesnt look like..ugh.. my dining room/kitchen LMAO!)

the photographer saw me wearing OCC's "grandma" and loved it so told me to do it on Ying hehe since we wanted something just to show her lips ~ the inspiration photo was a bronzed girl with a piece of beautiful jewelry across her face ~ just showing her lips so to make things interesting I braided her hair with a piece extension across her face as a "mask" hahaha, the pink matched her sundress as well~ (unintentional) not like the photos will have the pink since it's a beauty shot~ more like this:

the second look we wanted to do blue bling lips from some other inspirational photos ^_^ and somehow it ended up looking like this:

lol Ying is so cute haha she really liked the bling lips just like me ! (haha I think girls are just easily amused by shiny things... LMAO~~* She reminded me of "Dorthy" from Finding Nemo LMAO

hahahaha she's tan so we thought we might turn her "pale" in post ...hopefully the photographer does a better job than me LMAO!:

who knows, either way I look forward to the final edited shots ~~ <3


Rukus Magazine ft. Carissa Rosario

While I was back in LA for a week, I had the chance to work with photographer Andrew Gates and the beautiful Carissa Rosario on a spread for this month's Rukus Magazine :)

It was funny as I had originally booked for a makeup trial with my model on Tuesday but she happened to have a music video shoot till 4 am in the morning so I told her we could push it back to Thurs~ and Andrew's regular makeup artist canceled last minute so it was super coincidental that we both had some free time to collaborate during my short trip to LA! (we had been talking over facebook and he had told me he wanted to work together if I was ever down in SoCal again! :)

Anyhow, Carissa is an absolute babe and superrr nice and cute ~ very funny as well ^__^

*go Vote for her as Maxim's Hometown Hotties: HERE*

It was going to be a maxim-sexy-glamor-style shoot so makeup wise I had designed an accented eye with full liner and glossy lips~Carissa was pretty easy going with her "look" except that she wanted a light lips without it being too pink. I had seen her previous photos from her photoshoots and I am NOT a huge fan of a pure black smokey look~ I guess it works sometimes but I almost always prefer to add different colors to give more dimension to the eyes, especially since Carissa was already a gorgeous girl with huge eyes!! A bit of eyeliner should already make her eyes pop~ plus we're doing a bikini shot here not night time club scene :P (Okay I admit I just prefer more natural looking looks) Anyhow she was happy with the look in the end which made me happy too :) It's always good when your talent feels pretty in the makeup so she can comfortably do her job of being sexy in front of the camera!

Hair wise, she had showed us her recent runway show where the hair stylist curled her hair with an 1'' iron all the way to the top~this free flowing curly, voluptuous hairstyle which she absolutely loved so I tried recreating it for her~~haha too bad half way it starts dying because her extensions have been rubbing around on the baby oiled body

After I had finished we headed out to downtown Burbank to shoot around some places with industrial looking backgrounds coz that's the RUKUS Style: hot girl in industrial playground lol

here's us going at it, Carissa was doing a great job despite all the random men honking at her and there was this creepy man who stared and waved at her from afar from under the bridge X_X he was on the phone staring the WHOLLEE time

*Models are SO brave* haha I could never do that. LOL

As per usual I had the wonderful job of oiling the talents up (hah! to which my Special f/x teacher had told me he wanted to be my assistant!!) It's all good when it's sexy hairless girls, sometimes my talents are hairy men ^_^|| haha It feels very interesting oiling carpets of hair haha~*

a few more behind the scene shots of us working from yours truly~

Carissa all seductive in her 2nd outfit

candid shot hehe I think she looks cute here with her super happy smile ~

the third bikini was my FAVE :) she looks SOOO hawt in that metallic red!! She said she had it customized at Turtle Beach :)

yes we enjoy goofing around hehe ^_^

one last pic with Carissa and Nathan our Videographer for the day!

:) Thank you Andrew for setting up the shoot ~ it was SO fun working with the team ^_^ don't forget to support Rukus Magazine if you like hot girls and fast cars LOL!
